BSG comment

Can superfast broadband save the economy?

This week saw NESTA publish a policy paper advising that investment in fibre-optic broadband would be a vital part of the infrastructure of our digital economy as it emerges from the recession.

NESTA go on to suggest that ‘a spectrum for speed swap’ could be used to incentivise deployment of universal next generation broadband.

So can next generation broadband play a role in our economic recovery?

There has been a lot of lobbying for NGA in the US, with the incoming Obama administration promising investment in broadband as part of the stimulus. However, the latest statements from the Obama camp suggest that these investments will be restricted to expanding current broadband access to ‘unserved and underserved’ areas.

This may make more sense as an immediate stimulus. Having the government invest in NGA now, on either side of the atlantic, would be unlikely to help the economy in the short term. The lead in times for these sorts of projects, not to mention the time for deployment, would make it unlikely to have an immediate impact – in short, any project would not be ‘shovel-ready’.

However, the government needs to keep a watch on NGA investment. We are yet to fully see the impact of the current economic conditions on investment decisions. If investment fails to materialise, the government may need to step in, in some form – a conclusion made by the Caio review.

It also may be true that the window of opportunity for government to make an impact on investment decisions is closing, given the fiscal austerity planned for the future.

Finally, there is a strong case for ensuring that, when the economy does begin to recover, we have spent wisely and invested in infrastructure that can support future growth – and most would consider NGA to be such an investment.

This is a challenging issue, and worthy of debate. We wait with interest to see what ideas will be discussed in the government’s Digital Britain Report this week.

Peter Shearman, Policy Manager, BSG

BSG responds to Ofcom 'Delivering superfast broadband in the UK' consultation

The BSG has submitted its response to Ofcom’s superfast broadband consultation. The response re-iterated the BSG’s findings from its three reports published in 2008, and offered broad support for Ofcom’s categorisation of the key issues.

The current economic environment and financial crisis makes investments increasingly challenging for operators, and so it will be important for Ofcom to allow operators to experiment in the short term whilst providing sufficient certainty in the long-term to support investment decisions.

BSG response to Ofcom NGA consultation

Carter’s Universal Broadband Commitment

At an event yesterday Communications Minister Stephen Carter discussed the idea of a universal broadband commitment of a 2Mbps service to be available to every household that wants it, by 2012. The commitment could be included in the interim Digital Britain Report, expected to be published at the end of January.

The proposal would see a reform of the existing universal service obligation on BT, and would make use of wireless networks as well as fixed to deliver the service. The idea follows similar recent developments in other markets such as France, Ireland and Finland.

Whilst this is clearly a significant development, many will ask what it means for next generation broadband deployment in the UK? In November last year BSG Chairman Kip Meek outlined the idea of a universal service commitment for broadband in his speech to the BSG Reception. Meek’s idea sought to bring together policy in current and next generation broadband – a universal service for current broadband while encouraging investment in next generation broadband.

If the aims of the digital Britain initiative are to deliver economic as well as social benefits then a coherent approach will be required that addresses both objectives. While Carter referenced the importance of enabling investment in next generation services, it remains unclear, what, if anything, the DBR interim report will say on the matter.

Peter Shearman, Policy Manger, BSG

Conservatives set out next generation broadband views

Building on Conservative Party Leader David Cameron’s commitment to broadband earlier in the week, last Friday Shadow Culture Secretary Jeremy Hunt set out the Conservative Party’s views on next generation broadband.

The main commitment in Hunt’s speech was to re-iterate Cameron’s commitment to bring next-generation broadband to the majority of the population within five years, and to provide near-universal coverage as soon as possible after that.

Hunt went on to say that deployment should be market-led, and that the role of the public sector was as a facilitator of investment. In conjunction with their broadband policy, the Conservatives will conduct a review of the creative industries, details of which will be released soon.

The full speech is available here.

Peter Shearman, Policy Manager, BSG

Ofcom publishes broadband speeds report

Ofcom yesterday published a report on broadband speeds in the UK.

The report is a first for Ofcom in that it is based on actual line testing, rather than consumer perception surveys, and builds on the work of the SamKnows team, who produced an earlier report last year.

Alongside the headline numbers, the report identifies the lack of understanding many consumers have about broadband, and particularly the factors that can impact the speeds they receive – an issue we have raised previously on this blog.

It will not be news to many that you are unlikely to receive the headline speed that you sign up for. However, speed can be impacted by a variety of factors, such as in-home wiring or your choice of router, which ISPs have little or no control over (and can be remedied by the consumer themselves).

This isn’t necessarily the fault of the consumer – they should not need to understand to a technical level the service they are buying. It can partly be attributed to the marketing focus on speed by ISPs, and we are beginning to see ISPs market their services on other attributes such as bit caps, which may help.

However, the crux of the issue is that broadband is a difficult service to accurately buy and sell. The actual service received is partly out of the control of the service provider, which creates difficulties and confusion for consumers.

If we are to have a proper public debate about the future of broadband (and now would be the time, given the interest being shown by our senior politicians) a more informed consumer is an important requirement.

The Caio Review recognised this, which is why one of its recommendations was for ISPs to make public their traffic management policies – consumers would then be given more information about their service, particularly how it is likely to operate at peak times.

This Ofcom report also seems to recognise this, laying bare as it does the capabilities and limitations of the network. We need to continue along the path of an increasingly informed public debate.

Peter Shearman, Policy Manager, BSG

Broadband – flavour of the month

It may have been the holiday season, but broadband was rarely off the news cycle in one form or another, so here’s a round-up of some of the most interesting stories from the Christmas period.

Most interestingly, David Cameron yesterday committed the Conservatives to fibre optic ‘high speed broadband’ for the majority of the population within five years, and, ‘to as near as possible, universal coverage within ten years’. A bold promise, although we are still waiting to see the detail of this policy. This followed Gordon Brown suggesting in an Observer interview that high-speed broadband could play a similar role to investment in infrastructure during previous recessions. Prior to this, also in the Observer, Professor Christopher Bishop, chief scientist at Microsoft Research Cambridge had suggested that the government could ‘do no better than rewire the nation with fibre optics’ if it was looking for an infrastructure project to stimulate the economy.

At the same time, we were given an indication of what could be included in Stephen Carter’s Digital Britain report. In an article in The Times, a universal broadband service of 2Mbps was suggested, alongside a comprehensive reform of the existing universal service obligations. Carter’s interim report is due to be published this month, with the full report later this year.

Gordon Brown wasn’t the only global leader to reference broadband over Christmas. President-elect Barack Obama spoke of his plan to provide a stimulus to the US digital economy, including improving broadband and increasing take-up. He described the US performance on broadband as ‘unacceptable’.

Staying in the States, the Recording Industry Association of America has decided to abandon its strategy of suing individual downloaders of copyright material. Instead it will adopt a more constructive approach, working with ISPs to identify those who upload copyright material in a move similar to the approach being taken in the UK.

Coming back to the UK, Culture Secretary Andy Burnham made headlines with an interview in the Telegraph in which he suggested that cinema-style age ratings could be applied to the Internet, and said he wanted to work with Obama’s administration to develop international deceny rules for English-language websites. This has caused an interesting debate to occur, with many comment boards filling up in response, and the majority not in favour.

Finally, fulfilling one of the recommendations of the Caio Review, the Valuation Office Agency set out how it will rate fibre in next generation broadband deployments. This is a timely clarification by the VOA, and although containing few surprises, helps to remove some of the uncertainty facing potential investors in NGA.

Peter Shearman, Policy Manager, BSG

NGA underway in the UK

Virgin Media today announced that they are offering a 50Mbps service to 5m homes on their network, with plans to offer the service to their whole network of 12m homes by Summer of 2009.

The BSG has issued a statement welcoming this announcement. The next generation broadband debate has now moved from the realms of theory to reality. How this service impacts on the market will be a key indicator of the likely deployment of next generation broadband more widely in the UK.

Focus will now be on the success and take-up of this service, and the responses of other market players.

Peter Shearman, Policy Manager, BSG

BSG welcomes Virgin Media launch of 50Mbps service

BSG welcomes Virgin Media’s announcement of its new 50Mbps service, currently available to 5m homes on the Virgin network. This is the first major commercial rollout of next generation broadband, and represents a significant step in the development of the UK’s knowledge economy infrastructure.

Commenting, Antony Walker, CEO of the BSG said, “This is a very significant development in the context of next generation broadband deployment in the UK. Over the last two years the debate has moved on significantly, and this last year has seen intentions to deploy expressed by both Virgin Media and BT.

“With the launch of this service, Virgin have moved the debate on again. The impact this service has on the market will tell us a lot about how next generation broadband will develop in the UK.???

iPlayer Day

To celebrate the iPlayer’s first anniversary since its soft launch, the BBC’s Internet blog has been blogging on a variety of iPlayer issues for iPlayer Day.

The blog has produced some interesting discussions, particularly their developments for delivery on multiple platforms, such as games consoles and mobiles as well as over broadband and cable networks. It was interesting to note that views over Virgin Media’s cable service accounted for a third of all iPlayer programmes viewed in September.

iPlayer has had a successful first year, with over 180m programmes watched. It has not been without controversy, however: data from one ISP suggested that iPlayer was responsible for 5% of all traffic on their network, and the BBC came under increasing pressure for its impact on ISP and consumer costs.

The debate about the impact of iPlayer on the network seems to have calmed down (or perhaps it is just simmering under?). Either way, it is here to stay, and perhaps its continued popularity will catalyse further debates that need to be held across the value chain.

Peter Shearman, Policy Manager, BSG

The role for public sector intervention in next generation broadband

Ofcom’s Super-fast broadband blog recently raised the issue of ‘when and where?’ public sector intervention in next generation broadband would be required. This is a key issue, and something that the BSG has examined.

The BSG’s position has been, and continues to be, that next generation broadband deployment in the UK should be market-led. The market is most likely to achieve efficient and timely investment. This said, there will likely be a role for public sector intervention in the future, such as there has been to date, for example in South Yorkshire.

What is important to remember is that next generation broadband is very different to first generation broadband, in this instance for two key reasons: the length of time required for deployment; and the magnitude of the costs involved.

Deployment could take many years, particularly if FTTH was deployed, and so it could be 5 or 10 years, or more, before the market has finished its deployment. This is significantly longer than first generation broadband.

Therefore, the question we need to ask is this: can we afford to wait this long before addressing areas the market doesn’t reach? Given how quickly the digital divide has developed since the deployment of broadband (not yet 10 years old), it would be difficult to see how this would be acceptable.

The costs involved also change this debate. We can be more certain about where the market is likely to deploy to – we recently published a report showing how the costs breakdown across the UK, and how the deployment costs increase as you reach more rural areas. We also have experience from first generation broadband, and know where those places are that were the last to receive broadband, or still cannot access it.

Given what we know, we need to have the debate about how we bring superfast broadband to those areas unlikely to be covered by commercial deployment. This is not to say that the government should write a cheque – this is not necessarily the way forward at this time. But thought needs to be given to finding creative solutions to address the looming digital divide on the superfast-broadband horizon.

Peter Shearman, Policy Manager, BSG

Obama and the growth of broadband

Much has been made of Barack Obama’s successful use of the Internet in organising and coordinating his campaign, and in engaging (and soliciting donations from) his supporters, with many refering to him as the first candidate to successfully do this.

This is true, but it is worth remembering that he and John McCain were the first candidates with this opportunity. Currently, the US has 64% household penetration of broadband, which is sufficient critical mass for an organisation like Obama’s to flourish. However, in previous election years the same statistic was at 25% (at the start of 2004) and 0.25% (at the start of 2000).

Broadband growth has been exceptional, in the vast majority of markets. Growth has generally been faster than the mobile phone experienced, the spread of PC usage in the home, or even the take-up of tv. That broadband has been one of the fast growing trends in recent memory is worth remembering if the pace of the debate around many of the issues today feels slow – keeping up with such a fast-moving trend provides many challenges.

Obama made excellent use of broadband during the election. However, his extensive network may now be causing his transition team some problems. Apparently 290,000 applications have been received through his website for the 8,000 posts available, with the number of applications expected to rise to 1m by January.

By comparison in 2000, George W. Bush received just 44,000 applications. And this doesn’t include the bombardment of Obama staffers’ email accounts or social networking profiles. Information overload, perhaps? Sounds like a familiar debate…

Peter Shearman, Policy Manager, BSG

BSG responds to EC NGA consultation

The BSG has submitted its response to the EC consultation on its draft Recommendation on regulated access to NGA networks.

The BSG welcomes the general principles set out by the Commission for guiding NRAs when regulating for next generation access, but expresses concern at the level of detail and prescription included in the Recommendation currently.

The BSG believes that the Commission’s objective should be the harmonisation of outcomes, and that this is best achieved by giving national regulatory authorities the responsibility to implement regulatory principles in the most appropriate way for local market conditions, rather than prescribing specific regulatory remedies.

BSG response to EC NGA consultation

EC NGA consultation document

Pakistan to create their own Broadband Stakeholder Group

News came through today that the Pakistan Telecoms Authority is to take the lead in a newly formed Broadband Stakeholder Group in Pakistan. The group have identified a range of issues that, on the surface, appear very similar to those that the BSG were tasked with addressing back in 2001.

Pakistan are not alone in examining the BSG model. There is already a Broadband Stakeholders Group in the Lebanon (which has produced a Broadband Manifesto), and other countries such as Chile have shown an interest in the concept.

For me, these developments highlight two things. First is the acceptance of the central role and importance of widespread coverage and take-up of broadband for the economic and social wellbeing of a country and its citizens. Markets across the globe are developing at different speeds, starting from very different positions and at different times. However, the issues they are facing are similar and the conclusions reached in response are broadly aligned – certainly no-one has said that broadband is not important.

The second point is that many of these issues require a collaborative effort to be addressed. They are too big to be solely the responsibility of a competitive industry, or a government department, or a regulator. Lebanon, Pakistan and others are finding this to be true of first generation broadband; in our experience, so it is true of next generation broadband.

Peter Shearman, Policy Manager, BSG

The broadband vision

As someone who spends a lot of his time discussing the importance and value of broadband, in all of its forms, to the economy and wider society I’m struck by how few manage to articulate a worthy vision for the impact of broadband.

A recent example of this was Ofcom’s timid attempt at a vision in its recent superfast broadband consultation (see section four). The Caio review made a good effort with broadband as an ‘essential digital utility’, but still didn’t quite capture it to my mind.

So it was pleasing to read, in an article in the Guardian early last week, that Stephen Carter is able to set out a vision superior to most efforts, referring to broadband as ‘commercially, socially, culturally, economically and politically transforming’.

This is about as good as I have heard, and hopefully bodes well for the future of Digital Britain.

Peter Shearman, Policy Manager, BSG

Government to undertake Digital Britain Report

On Friday last week the government announced it would be undertaking a Digital Britain Report, led by the new minister for technology, communications and broadcasting Stephen Carter. This represents an opportunity for Government to tackle a range of issues in a coordinated, strategic way. Hopwever, doing so requires that the report is not a stock-taking exercise of ongoing issues, but a proactive plan of action that provides strong government direction.

The value of this report would be in bringing together the various activities going on in the area of convergence, across different departments, in a coordinated, strategic way. In doing so, government can provide a strong direction, with the ultimate aim of ensuring that the UK’s digital infrastructure (and the surrounding policy and regulatory frameworks) is fit for a world-leading knowledge economy.

Commenting on the report, Peter Mandelson stated that ‘the digital economy will be central’ to Britain getting through the worst of the current crisis and preparing for the upturn; with this focus the report could be a valuable contribution to the health of the sector and the economic activity that it supports.

Looking at the issues identified for the report, there are already numerous initiatives either completed or underway that are tackling these. Indeed, one key issue for government is how this report interacts with these ongoing activities such as the Convergence Think Tank or the implementation of the Audio Visual Media Services Directive. A report that simply reviews these various policy debates will be of limited value.

The opportunity here is to bring together a range of ongoing issues that all relate to convergence but often sit across a number of government departments and lack an overall coordination. Addressing these at a strategic level, with government providing strong direction and leadership would be of benefit to the development of the converging industries.

It is rare that a new minister already has a command of their brief upon entering a new role, but in Stephen Carter this is exactly what has happened. With his knowledge and experience he should be able to hit the ground running, and use the Digital Britain report to drive government action, rather than simply set the scene for further reviews.

Peter Shearman, Policy Manager, BSG